NNALEA Membership

The National Native American Law Enforcement Association (NNALEA) is an Indian organization operated in a non-profit status with headquarters in Washington, D.C. Native American men and women who were working in the field of law enforcement in various assignments throughout the United States created the Association in the spring of 1993. Its goals are to promote and support Native American officers/agents in the field through the utilization of a national organization. The Association will promote and foster cooperation between Native American law enforcement officers/agents, their agencies, private industry, tribal entities and the public. The association will provide a media for the exchange of ideas and new techniques, establish a network to provide technical and/or investigative assistance to association members. Membership is open to both Native and Non-Native Americans. Members do not have to be law enforcement officers. The National membership fee is $15. The National and Chapter membership fee is $30.

Details Price Qty
National Membership $15.00 USD  
National & DC Chapter Membership $30.00 USD  
National & OK Chapter Membership $30.00 USD  
National & New Mexico Chapter Membership $30.00 USD  

  • Membership
     March 22, 2024 - January 31, 2026
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Annual Membership